Here you can change the icon and swap the position of the application.

One more thing you will need to monitor! Social Media Jam Session I believe is comes with a wall and everything. If you do this you will have a Facebook page devoted to your app. You probably don’t need this and at this time it is not required.

Go to this URL and substitute your App ID and the URL that is listed in your Canvas Page. This is a bit of dark art and it took me a bit to figure this one out.I will show you another place where you can change this. Website with Facebook Login, App on Facebook, Page Tab You can choose narrow or wide here.The contact email will be your personal address by default but you can change it to your agency email. If your upload does not work try a smaller picture. You will have to pass a security check to make sure you aren’t a robot. Just by clicking continue here you are agreeing to Facebook Platform Policies. namespace They also ask if you want to use web hosting but you probably don’t need that. If used by another app on Facebook you won’t be able to use the name. App Name is how it’s displayed to users (no more than 32 characters and no less than 3 characters) App Namespace used for Opengraph as well as the URL of the app. Use target=“_top” if you want to pop out of the iframe As of Octoyou were required to have both a secure and non secure versions. html, Facebook tries to POST to page, resulting in http status of 504 (This is what took me a bit to figure out). If using an IIS 7 server must name page with. When you give the URL to Facebook you don’t tell it the file name just the directory. Name the file index.html so Facebook can find it.
Install the Developer App Social Media Jam Session Facebook required me to do it even before I developed anything. You might find that you have already done this step. The mobile number/text message options doesn’t always work outside of the U.S.
If you provide your mobile number Facebook will send you a text with a code that you need to send back The second option is to enter your credit card information. You will need to verify with either your mobile phone or your credit card.
Go to update the status of your Facebook page but instead choose Milestone.
Add some old timey photos and a link back to your website to tell the full story. On the right-hand side click the Founded link and edit the information here. This is something about timeline that is cool.
How to setup your Founded Date Establish Facebook Milestones Facebook Tabs Social Media Jam Session If you haven’t set a Facebook Username I will show you where to do this. Some of my tips where covered in the NAGW webinar last month but I will show some here.+Username or Reference another Google+ user Leslie Labrecque, City of Boulder, Colorado